Conditions of health will occur where the conditions for health exist, and it is our internal environment that ultimately determines this.
Gastrointestinal Health
Suffering with the 3 B’s – Burping (Belching), Bloating, Bowels (not functioning)? Your digestion needs assistance.
Digestion is the key driving factor in good health. You are what you eat or more accurately what you are able to digest, absorb and eliminate. Everything we put into our mouth has an impact on our health, especially our Gastro Intestinal tract.
Many people are making food choices that are detrimental, whether it is due to low nutrient content, high calories, excessive processing or food intolerances and allergies. When you are feeling bloated, not going to the toilet properly you feel sluggish, uncomfortable, energy lags, and you don’t feel good.
With digestion being one of the key factors of health, a treatment that focuses on restoring Gastro-Intestinal Tract (GIT) function will assist in the resolution of the majority of your digestive complaints and many systemic issues. However, it is essential to address the specific factors affecting you. These include a poor diet, weakened digestion (enzymes) and imbalances in the immune and enteric nervous systems.
With 70% of the immune system being in the gut, the digestive and immune systems are very closely related. Immune balance is influenced by the gut microbiome and, in turn, gut microbiome is influenced by immune balance.
Nutrition, Supplementation and Lifestyle factors all play a role in creating optimal health and addressing digestive disturbances.